Frank Vitale IV
Archivist | Historian | Information Professional
Historical Research
Content Management
Adobe Creative Suite

Acrobat, Bridge, InDesign, Photoshop

Archival Arrangement and Description
Archival Outreach and Exhibits
Information Literacy Instruction
bepress Digital Commons
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
University Archivist and Special Collections Librarian (Assistant Professor)
Millersville University of PennsylvaniaAugust 2022 - Present

I serve on the Library Department faculty, providing archival and information literacy instruction as well as professional management of the University's Archives and Special Collections.

Archival Consultant
Numerous ClientsSeptember 2017 - Present

I provide compensated and pro-bono consulting to numerous academic archives, historical societies, historic homes, and private collections.

  • Manage digitization projects, including document digitization, file processing, and content management system maintenance
  • Process, arrange, and describe analog and digital archival collections
  • Prioritize and address archival backlogs
Associate Fellow
National Library of MedicineSeptember 2019 - June 2022
  • Conducted extensive bibliographic metadata review to evaluate diversity, equity, and inclusion of PubMed Central
  • Managed a four-member team data science project, enabling successful completion of all evaluative and reporting requirements
  • Designed and implemented a systematic review of NLM/NEH inter-agency collaborative programming and participant sentiment analysis
IT Analyst
Old Republic Insurance CompanyMay 2019 - June 2021
  • Supervised project discovery and implementation of an enterprise content management system, including document imaging and metadata development
  • Maintained data retention and management policies, including archival and legacy materials
  • Supported disaster recovery and incident response initiatives as well as auditing and cybersecurity compliance
Library Digital Projects Assistant
Dickinson CollegeJuly 2016 - September 2017
  • Managed digitization and reference services for public-facing digital projects
  • Maintained and developed multiple Drupal-based content management systems
  • Supervised teams of 3-5 digitization technicians, archives staff members, and volunteers
  • Served as a subject area specialist in the history of medicine and the Carlisle Indian Industrial School
  • Managed social media channels for the library and archives
  • Provided one-shot classroom instruction for information literacy and archival materials
Digital Humanities and Archives Research Assistant
Dickinson CollegeMay 2013 - June 2016
  • Built and managed search functionality for Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center using Drupal and ApacheSolr
  • Tested crowdsourcing tool for recording oral histories and collecting personal documents
  • Digitized and processed student folders and other historical documents, and compiled metadata
Library Clerk
Christ Church, University of OxfordOctober 2017 - June 2018
  • Provided reference and technical assistance for undergraduate and graduate patrons
  • Served on internal planning committees for outreach, library services, and policy development
Humanities Research Assistant
ZooniverseJune 2015 - August 2015
  • Developed and tested platforms for citizen archivist annotation and transcription
  • Analyzed and incorporated best practices for data harvesting, reporting, and digital outreach for multiple crowdsourcing projects in history, linguistics, and museum studies
Junior Fellow
Library of CongressMay 2014 - August 2014
  • Implemented digital migration, cataloging, and preservation workflows for at-risk audiovisual materials from optical discs based on appraised needs using Bagger, FileZilla, and CTS
Master of Library and Information Science
University of Wisconsin - MilwaukeeMay 2021

Concentration in Archives

Master of Science in History of Science, Medicine, and Technology
University of Oxford2018

Dissertation Focus: Mortality at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School (see Publications)

Bachelor of Arts
Dickinson CollegeMay 2016

Concentration in History of Medicine

Dissertation Focus: History of Medicine at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School (see Publications)

“Digitally Re-Presenting The Colonial Archive: Resources For Researching And Teaching The Carlisle Indian Industrial School And The Native American Boarding School Movement”, co-authored with Jim Gerencser and Susan Rose, in Digital Mapping and Indigenous America, edited by Janet Berry Hess, Routledge, 2021, pg. 17-30. Link to Publication.

This chapter focuses on the role of digital archives in supporting decolonization efforts for Native American collections.

“Counting Carlisle’s Casualties: Defining Student Death at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 1879-1918”, American Indian Quarterly 44, no. 4 (Fall 2020), pp. 383-414. Link to Publication.

Operating from 1879 to 1918 and educating over 8,000 students, the Carlisle Indian Industrial School was the first and one of the largest federal off-reservation boarding schools for Native Americans in the United States. Carlisle symbolized Progressive-Era attempts to assimilate indigenous populations through education, and similarly typified mortality at federal schools across the American empire. Consequently, death at Carlisle is commonly used by scholars and activists as a rhetorical tool in arguments surrounding reconciliation and repatriation. Two incommensurable death counts of 220 and 537 decedents for Carlisle have been proposed, based on competing definitions of which types of decedents should and should not be included. Using cross-referential analysis of administrative records related to school, this study suggests a death count of 232 students and 6 proximal individuals, which adheres to historic categories of mortality. Quantitative analysis of mortality is then linked to contextual information, exploring differential fatality as well as absolute and proportional death trends. This reveals social historical information about student experiences and school mortuary practices, illustrating that mortality investigations hold significant potential beyond enumeration. Simultaneously, these findings challenge existing conceptions of death's alleged objectivity, showing that mortality is an unstandardized, complex phenomenon. This complicates emotional invocations of death counts, especially considering the national and international significance ascribed to understanding mortality at indigenous boarding schools. This study argues that more historically persuasive information about death is revealed through qualitative analysis of quantitative data, showing that mortality is best understood as a highly individualized traumatic experience.

"'The Beds are Full But All the Occupants are Getting Better': An Institutional History of Medicine at the Carlisle Indian School", Dickinson College Honors Theses, Paper 223. Link to Publication.

The Carlisle Indian School, which operated from 1879 to 1918 as an off-reservation boarding school for Native American children, has been well-studied as a site of cultural erasure and assimilation. However, the role of healthcare in the “civilizing” activities of the school has not received adequate scholarly attention. Using a variety of medical and non-medical sources, this thesis argues that medical care at the Carlisle Indian School was used as a tool for assimilation and institutional preservation. As a result, healthcare at Carlisle kept on par with contemporary biomedical developments, challenging the historiographical assumption that medical care at Indian schools generally was below acceptable standards for the day.

"Establishing Metrics to Evaluate Diversity in PubMed Central"

MLA 2022 Hybrid Annual Conference

Medical Library Association, New Orleans, Louisiana (May 2022)

MLA 2022 Conference Brochure

"Charting Death: Visualizing Mortality Data from the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 1879-1918"

95th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine

American Association for the History of Medicine, Saratoga Springs, New York - Presented Virtually (April 2022)

AAHM 2022 Conference Brochure

"Hospitals, Hygiene, and Healthcare: A History of Medicine at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 1879-1918"

Cumberland County Historical Society Summer Lecture Series

Cumberland County Historical Society, Carlisle, Pennsylvania (July 2018)

Recorded Presentation (YouTube)

“Counting Carlisle’s Casualties: Multiple Methods for Measuring Mortality at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 1879-1918”

Sex, Drugs and Death: New Perspectives on Science, Medicine and Technology

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (June 2018)

Sex, Drugs, and Death Conference Brochure

“Counting Carlisle’s Casualties: Multiple Methods for Measuring Mortality at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 1879-1918”

Christ Church Senior Common Room Lecture Series

Christ Church, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (March 2018)

“Medicine for Whose Benefit?: Assimilation and Healthcare at the Carlisle Indian School”

Native American and Indigenous Studies Association 2017 Annual Conference

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (June 2017)

“Transforming Local History Through Student Engagement”

Collaborating Digitally: Engaging Students in Public Scholarship

Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania (November 2015)

Co-presented with Donald Sailer, Katie Clark, and Rachel Krutchen

“Crowdsourcing for Academic, Library, and Museum Environments”

The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2015

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (August 2015)

Committee Activities
  • Masters Representative, Committee for Library Provision and Strategy in History, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford (2017-2018)
Peer Review and Subject Matter Expert (SME) Activities
  • Peer Reviewer, BMJ Medical Humanities (April 2022)
  • SME, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Ethnic Minority Identifiers, National Institutes of Health (April 2022)
  • Member, Medical Library Association
  • Member, Mid-Atlantic Chapter - Medical Library Association
  • Member, Society of American Archivists
  • Member, Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference
  • Member, American Library Association
  • Member, Pennsylvania Library Association
  • Arline Custer Memorial Award for Articles (Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, October 2021)
  • Charles Website Prize for Best MSc Dissertation in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology (Faculty of History of the University of Oxford, September 2018)
  • Morris Prince History Prize for Distinguished Research in History (Dickinson College, May 2016)
  • Morris Prince History Prize for Support in Research (Dickinson College, June 2015)
  • John Patton Prize (Dickinson College, May 2013)
  • John Dickinson Scholar at Dickinson College (Dickinson College, 2012-2016)
  • Eagle Scout of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA, August 2010)